Update 5-8-15

An update on what is hot right now. Been play the following $5 scratch offs with good success:
Money Multipier - Won $50 today on this ticket.
Golden Ticket - Won $10 today, $50 a week ago
$100,000 Extreme Green - $20 winner a week ago

Like I have done before, I tend to play the odds posted on the back of the ticket and have had luck with these tickets.
Money Multiplier - odds - 1:4.09. What I have been doing is this. I play the multiple, i.e. 4 goes into 4, 8, 12, 16, etc. Well, instead of playing those numbers, I play 1 number up. Doesn't work all the time, but have had luck with that. Today, I won on #22 so the rule for this one seems to be 2 up.
Golden Ticket - odds - 1:3.70. This ticket I have used the rule of going 1 number up of the multiple and it has paid off. I have hit on #25 (1 up from 24) today for $10. When I won $50, I believe it was on 13 - 1 up from 12 (multiple of 3).
Extreme Green - odds - 1:3.62 Same rules apply for this ticket.
Now the reason I have had some luck with this rule, is the fact that I have been going to the same store. I experimented on purchasing the tickets and found out when to pick the winner. It has worked for me so maybe it can work for you.

Now the tickets that I have had no luck are the following:
Golden 7's
Cash & Gold
I have tried using that same rule for these tickets and it did not work.
I guess, I just found out the ones that work for me.

Hope this will help you and good luck.


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