Scratch Off Lottery Tickets

In this blog, I will talk about scratch off tickets. Again, as I stated before in the previous blogs, it is pure luck. What I will discuss is some strategies you can use to improve your odds of winning.

I generally play the $2, $3 and $5 tickets. Every once in a while I play the $7 tickets and very rarely the $10 tickets.

I have won my fair share of money in scratch off tickets. I have won $200 twice in Break the Bank. I win alot of $2.00, $3.00, $5.00 $10.00 winnings. Occasionally I win $20.00 and $50.00 and sometimes $100.00.

My strategy: Each scratch off ticket has the odds posted on the back of the ticket. Example of odds 1 in 4.45 (including break-even prizes). This is a starting point. Again, mostly luck, but I use this strategy and it has worked for me. Also, to increase the odds of winning, especially at the larger amounts, buy tickets that are new. Go to and look up scratch off tickets. They have the number of winning tickets still available. They will also show what tickets are new - starting date. Newer tickets have less winners so your odds of winning are increased. Once the tickets have been out for a while, it would be a good idea to stay away from those as too many people have already won the big prizes and your chance at winning those prizes is decreased dramatically. Also, stay away from the tickets that are closing as the odds of winning those are against you. If one of your favorite scratch off ticket games is ending, wait until they bring a new one out.

Also, I have come across a few scratch off tickets that just don't pay. I have played break the bank (one of my favorites) and just can't hit $2.00 on this particular ticket, yet when I check the website to see how many winners are left, there are plenty of big prizes available. If you hit that point, just don't play that ticket as it just doesn't pay off. Switch to something else. Break the bank is a popular game and when that one ends, they will come up with a newer one. Be sure to check the game number. On the back of the ticket it has the game number, example: Break the Bank #1269 to make sure you have the newest one.

The $2.00 tickets come in a pack of 125. There is a number on the bottom corner that tells you what number the ticket is on in that particular roll, i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc. So if the odds for a particular $2.00 ticket are 1 in 4.45, your odds of winning something would be to pick every 4-5 numbers in the roll. As a rule, I never buy a ticket (whatever the price range, in my case $1-$7 tickets) at the beginning of the roll - 1, 2 and sometimes 3. I never seemed to win at the beginning of the roll. Again, that can change depending on the odds. If the odds are 1 in 3.98, I would try the 3rd or 4th ticket. I have won some money (not much) but a winner on the 3rd ticket of the roll because the odds were 1 in 3.something. Now if you happen to win (as an example) $10.00, don't expect to count 4-5 tickets before you can win again. What I have learned is the higher the winnings, the more spread out the tickets seem to be. It is not always true, but the odds are in your favor not buy a ticket after a winning ticket. Example: let's say that you win $10 on number 8 ticket in the roll. Don't buy number 9 in the roll and expect to win, the odds are against you. I have done it once where I won $2.00 on one number and $4.00 on the following number. That happened to be luck. Play the odds.

Also, don't buy $10 worth of the same ticket in a row. Example: I bought a $2.00 ticket starting number was 10 and bought all the way up to 14. You would be wasting your money and probably only hit $2.00. It is not worth it. If you are going to buy $10 worth of tickets, buy different ones and look to see what the numbers are. (Be prepared and know the odds of the tickets you are buying ahead of time so you can figure out what numbers are best.)

The $3.00 scratch off tickets come in packs of 125 also. The $5.00 and $7.00 tickets come in packs of 75. Now on the $5 and $7 tickets winners of some sort can be found at the end of the roll - usually around #73-#75. I would say at least 50% of the time. I know, cause I generally buy those tickets and won, not much but at least break even.

Another strategy I use, is the number of the ticket depending on what type of game it is. Let me explain. I buy a blackjack scratch off game, a lot of times I win on the number 21 scratch off of the pack - as 21 is how you win blackjack. Another example is let say Lucky 7.
Lucky 7 would be a $7 ticket, so what I do is buy the number 7 ticket in the roll and generally win - then 14, 21, 28 and so on. It doesn't always work, but I have had my luck in winning this way. Another example is 3 Time The Money. I played the number 3, 6, 9 tickets and have won - again not much, but at least breakeven and sometimes double. Five Times Lucky - pick the number 5. This is kind of odd, but it has worked for me. Again, I have never hit the big one, but at least I break even and sometimes come ahead a few dollars. And it makes it fun to play the lottery.

Recently, I have been going to a particular convenient store to buy tickets. I bought a $5.00 Monthly Bonus and won $10.00. The ticket was on number 5 in the roll. The odds posted on the back of the ticket was: 1 n 4.94 - roughly 1 in 5. I won on the number 5 ticket. A few days later, I went back to the same store and bought another of the same $5 ticket and it was on number 12 - I won another $10.00. So, I thought to myself that this roll has some winning tickets and I just have to figure out my strategy. I won on number 5, then number 12. Ok, that is 7 numbers apart. Ok, so if I can get #19 or #20, I figure I can win again. So the other day, I went back to the same store to buy that particular scratch off. The number was on 16. I thought for a while and said nope, better not. So I bought another $5 ticket - Bonus Break the Bank at number 45. I won $100.00 on that one (that was pure luck). So now, I have 2 tickets to keep track of. Ok I went back today and the Monthly Bonus was on #19 so I bought it, but did not win. So I went back and bought #20 and I won $50.00. Ok, so now, I bought the Bonus Break the Bank at #51. I had won on #45. No winner on #51. So I bought number 52 and no winner. So I said one more at 53, but the clerk game me #42. I asked if there were two different tickets and he said yes, so I took #42 and #52 from the other stack and I won $20 on each one so I won $40.00. I walked away then and actually deposited that $40 in the bank. I wrote down the numbers that I had won on and in a few days, I will go back again to see if enough losing tickets have been sold so that I can purchase the winners.

Again, mostly luck, buy my strategy seems to be working on these two tickets at this particular store. When you notice that you start losing, walk away and try something different. At the moment, I feel luck so I keep playing and winning. But as soon as I start losing, I will stop. You need to know when to stop.

I hope this information will help you in your winnings. Although I focused on the Texas Lottery, you can use these methods, especially on the scratch off tickets to improve your odds. Play the odds, know when to change or walk away and have fun.

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Good luck.


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