Update 4-20-14

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter. I haven't posted anything in a while, because, I had given up playing the lottery during this Lent Season. Now that it is over, I will start playing again.
One thing that helps, not playing the lottery, is that I did not spend alot of money and thus helped me save for other things. I hope to keep to a strict budge playing the lottery. I will start playing mainly the Texas Two Step as it is one of my favorite games to play. I will also play the Texas Lotto with the extra. The Power Ball is getting up there, so I may keep an eye on that one too.

I may play some scratch off tickets. I haven't kept up with it these last 6 weeks or so, so I will have to look at what new games are out there and which ones are winding down.

Hope to keep this post up. Good luck and thanks for reading.


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