February 10 update

Was on the internet doing some research and I came across this guy (who a friend of mine had seen on 60 minutes) who states that he has won the lottery 7 times. Of course he won't disclose his secrets because he is selling a book at about $34.00 a book. But he did give some of his secrets. Of course, these are his opinions and I agree with some but not all, even though he has won 7 times and I haven't.

First, set a budget. Do not use money for groceries, bills, etc. to fulfill your need to play the lottery.
Second, he states when playing Mega Millions or any other lottery game, not to use quick picks - instead use the same set of numbers every time you play. He states that by using those numbers, each drawing gives you a better chance of winning. I somewhat agree on this, but I have seen people hit with quick picks a lot, so this theory is iffy. So, what I would do is play some quick picks and a set of the same numbers, that way you are covered.
One thing the reporter on 60 minutes said is that he plays alot and spends a lot of money, but he has made it his business. That is, he keeps track of what he spends, so that way at tax time, he can offset his winnings with the amount of money he has spent (loses), so he won't have to pay as much taxes.

On the scratch off games, his theory is to play 1 scratch off and buy many tickets of the same one. Example: if you play Break The Bank Limited Edition - the odds of winning on this game is 1:4.26. So if you have a budget of $10.00, he would buy 5 tickets in a row. Chances are you will win something because of the odds, but usually it is a $2.00 ticket or $4.00 ticket at most. So you would be spending $10.00 just to win $2.00 or $4.00. That does not work for me.

My theory is to look at the number on the ticket. Find out how many winners are still out there and look at the odds. I usually buy just 1 of that ticket and buy other tickets if the numbers are close to the odds - number 4, 8, 12, 16, etc.

I have bought 3 different scratch off tickets at the same time and actually won on all three, so I would get my money back and then some. I have done this several times. It doesn't work all the time, but to me, I feel I can increase my chance of winning more than just buying 4 or 5 of the same ticket in a row. But then again, this guy has won several times (and to me is seems just like luck).

I just try to offer my experience on my methods of winning. I think what I may do is the next time I win a good amount, I may just invest my money in this guy's book just to see if his methods do work.

My brother-n-law's brother once told me of another book that he swears by. He says he knows people that have bought the book and won. They don't win the big amounts, but do win some good amounts. I will have to look into that book as well and when I do get it, I will see if their theories work too.

Good luck and don't forget to follow my posts.


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